The market rates saw the price of chicken with skin soar to Rs 213 per kg, a significant surge from Rs 154 on April 1 as Hyderabad is feeling the heat in more ways than one as the price of chicken has taken a dramatic flight in recent weeks.In just over a month, the cost of chicken has skyrocketed.
The price of skinless chicken witnessed a steep climb, reaching Rs 243 per kg recently compared to the more affordable Rs 175 just a month ago. Even at the farm level, there has been a substantial hike in prices, with farm chicken commanding a price of Rs 125 on, up from a modest Rs 84 on April 1.
While price fluctuations in the poultry market are not unheard of, this sudden surge has been directly linked to the prevailing weather conditions. Poultry farmers, blame the exorbitant prices on the ever-changing weather pattern. “It was raining heavily a few days ago and now, the summer heat has peaked. This abrupt shift in weather has resulted in a distressing 40-60 per cent mortality rate among chicks,”
Poultry farmers and producers, too, are grappling with the consequences of price surge on other fronts. “The increased prices of feed and transportation pose challenges, straining Poultry farmers efforts to keep up with the market demand,” and that's why, despite rates appearing very high at consumer levels, the losses of poultry farmers' have yet not ended and they are still struggling to get remunerative price of their products.